
汉文化(Han Culture)

The LA International TV and Film Festival is jointly hosted by Hollywood International TV Network and China Television Artists Association. It is co-organized by Hollywood Chinese Television and Han Culture Media Limited, in collaboration with dozens of mainstream TV stations from various provinces and cities in China. This global event is fully supported by the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China, the National Radio and Television Administration of China, as well as international authoritative television and media cultural management organizations from the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, and other countries.

The festival aims to integrate international television resources and establish a global platform for showcasing, exchanging, and trading in the Chinese language television industry.

洛杉矶国际电视节(LA INTERNATIONAL TV AND FILM FESTIVAL)是由好莱坞国际电视网、中国电视艺术家协会共同主办,由好莱坞中文卫视以及漢文化传媒有限公司联合中国数十家省市级主流电视台共同承办,由中华人民共和国文化部、中国国家广播电影电视总局、以及美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新加坡等国际权威电视传媒文化管理机构鼎力支持的全球性华语电视产业交流盛会,旨在融汇国际电视资源,搭建全球性展示交流交易平台。

汉影视(Han Vision )

In May 2018, Han Media Co., Ltd. expanded its business to include various offline performances and film and television productions. It collaborated with iQiyi to produce the online film "Zephyr" and the web series "Foreigners' Apartment."

The company's scope of business includes the production and distribution of broadcast television programs, talent management for performances, film distribution, as well as planning and organizing cultural and artistic activities in the film and television industry. Additionally, they are involved in technology development and services within the film and television culture field, photography and videography, corporate image planning, etiquette services, exhibition services, literary creation, business information consulting (excluding talent management), investment management consulting, and market information.



汉传媒(Han Media)

In February 2018, Han Culture Media Co., Ltd. set its sights on the Asian self-media market and devoted efforts to cultivating internet celebrities. During this period, they successfully signed over 100 KOL internet celebrities and created popular internet shows such as "Street Corner Food Truck," "California Love," "200 Pounds of Interesting Soul," and "A Dream of Post-95s," each with daily views exceeding one million.

Their achievements encompass short video production and promotion of internet celebrity KOL projects, amassing a total of 30 million fans across various online platforms. They are also involved in WeChat article editing, script planning, and production execution.

Under the banner of "Sanxian Video," they have amassed 4 million fans across the internet. They handle script planning, actor coordination, on-site directing, advertising planning, and coordination with clients, including Universal Studios, Gree Rice Cooker, and Panda Face Masks.

Additionally, their project "Early Return Home Beautiful" has gained 1.5 million fans online. Their role includes script planning, filming, post-production editing, and advertising planning and coordination with clients, including, La Mian Shuo, Fotile Range Hoods, and Jinjiu Liquor.


包含短视频制作与推广网红kol项目,全网3000 万粉丝。微信文章编辑,脚本策划,执行制片。

  • 三鲜视频,全网400 万粉丝。脚本策划,演员统筹,现场导演,广告策划及对接,客户包括:环球影城,格力大松电饭煲,Panda 面膜等。
  • 早回家的大美,全网150 万粉丝。脚本策划,拍摄,后期剪辑,广告策划与对接,客户包括:京东商城,拉面说,方太油烟机,劲酒等。